6 Search Result(s) for images

Regarding Images Part 2: Image File Types, Compression, and Transparency

By on January 25, 2015
Let’s continue our discussion by talking about image file types, compression, and transparencies. There are a few file types associated with vector images – the most popular or familiar being SVG, AI, and PDF. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphic, and it is the most compatible, pure XML-based vector format. The SVG file is an open standard supported by the W3C…

Regarding Images Part 1: Raster vs. Vector

By on November 2, 2014
From Keynote and Powerpoint documents to websites and instruction manuals, most modern documents have at least one embedded image, even if it’s just a logo. Let’s discuss a bit about raster vs. vector image files, the pros and cons of each, and how to deal with them. So, Diving right in — Raster vs. Vector. All image files fit into one of two categories…

The Languages of Web Development (Simplified) Part 3

By on October 23, 2015
In parts one and two, we’ve covered a few of the primary web languages: PHP, SQL, HTML, and CSS. Let’s get into a few of the more advanced languages. Explanations of these will be brief as some of the concepts here are difficult to grasp until you are actually developing and need them. XML is the language that HTML is based on. It is structure, structure, structure when it comes to data! XML quite simply defines ownership, relationship, and type for data…